Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect through Policy

We believe that together, we can prevent child abuse and neglect, and that the best way to do this is to support and strengthen families. Throughout their lives, families with children intersect with various systems of care and support including childcare, education, and healthcare systems. TexProtects’ advocates for changes and improvements within these systems to better support and strengthen Texas families.  

Strong families are supported by strong communities providing a range of supports and services depending on their needs. If these services and supports are provided in a timely way, the behaviors that lead to child abuse and neglect can ultimately be mitigated. Programs like those provided by the Family Support Services Division produce cost savings for the state, keep children safe, and keep families together. To slow the rate of children and families who come to the front door of our child protection system, we must ensure families have access to a full continuum of effective family supports and services that address the root cause of abuse and neglect and strengthen families. TexProtects’ advocacy works to ensure that families have access to needed supports at the right time to avert crises and, in most cases, ensure that families stay together safely. 

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Our Priorities

#1 Increase Investments in Preventative Efforts

We must ensure there are services and supports for families with children of all ages across the continuum of care, prioritizing evidence-based services when appropriate 

#2 Connect Families to Resources

We must ensure families are connected to the services and supports they need in their communities.

#3 Supporting Professional Who Work with Families

We must ensure that the professionals working with families have the tools they need to set them up for success.

Prevention Programming's Return on Investment


For every $1 invested in home visiting programs, there is a return between $1.80 and $5,70.


In 2022, roughly 15% of the Texas' Department of Family Prevention Services budget was spend on prevention and early intervention programs in comparison to 86% on Child Protective Services.

$2,018 vs. $32,904

As a case moves further into the child protection system, it becomes more expensive. In 2022, it cost Texas $32,904 annual per child per year in custody versus it only costs $2,018 per child/family to provide prevention services.