In 2023, there were 58,120 confirmed victims of child abuse and neglect. Texas children deserve better, and together, we can prevent this from shaping their future. Most families want what’s best for their child and placing blame on a parent is not the solution. Children thrive in stable, safe and supportive families, and the best way to protect Texas children is by providing support to the adults in their lives.
Home visiting is a prevention strategy that brings trained staff to support expectant mothers and new families to promote positive parenting and child development, improve school readiness, and prevent child abuse and neglect. Home visiting is a two-generational approach that reduces risk factors while simultaneously increasing protective factors that support caregivers and their children.
Depending on the programs, outcomes of home visiting include:
- Depending on the program, Improved maternal and newborn health: 69% reduction of infant deaths, 50% reduction in low birthweight babies, and 36% fewer subsequent teen births.
- Improved school readiness: 1.5-2 times more likely to test ready for kinder; 5 times more likely for 1st grade promotion; outperformance of peers on 5th grade reading/math assessments; 91% parents more involved than peers
- Improved family economic self-sufficiency: 83% increase in mom’s labor force, 20% reduction in months on welfare.
- Reduced child injuries, abuse and neglect: 35-45% reduction in ER visits and 28-48% reduction in child abuse and neglect.
- Reduced crime and domestic violence: 53% reduction in child arrests at age 17.
- For every $1 invested in home visiting programs, there is a return between $1.80 and $5.70 outcomes of home visiting include:
The Need for Home Visiting in Texas
In 2023, there were 1,738,500 pregnant women and families with children under 6 years old not yet in kindergarten who could benefit from home visiting.
- 178,439 home visits provided
- 16,449 families served
- 16,582 children served
Only 1.9% of Texas families who could benefit from home visiting received state-funded services.
Expanding and Strengthening Home Visiting in Texas
In 2022, TexProtects successfully advocated for the reauthorization of the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) grant program at the federal level, a primary funding source for home visiting and prevention programs throughout Texas communities. Thanks to this recent federal advocacy, MIECHV funding in Texas is set to nearly double by the Fall of 2027.
While this is fantastic news for Texas families and communities, we must be prepared for this positive development. Between now and 2027, TexProtects will work to ensure that its network of home visiting providers, the Texas Prevention Network, has the tools and knowledge to leverage
this increased federal funding and to strengthen and expand the services they provide to families throughout the state. Anyone that works to strengthen families including home visiting programs are welcome as members of the Texas Prevention Network. If you are interested in joining, please contact us at Together, we can all play a part in supporting Texas families and ultimately reducing child maltreatment.